Getting a sustainable business off the ground is not always easy; it involves trial and error, growth can stagnate and profitability lags behind...
We know the challenges like no other and know how to deal with them. We step in and build with you.
How we can support you:
Go-To-Market strategy
Business & partnership development
Fundraising for your next lap
Team coaching & -building
Interim co-entrepreneur
Strengthening business model and product-market fit
Assumptions- based validation
Startups schalen
All too often, innovative ideas remain dormant within companies, or they return to business as usual after a pilot..
We develop, test and sustain the new impactful business models of your organization. We ensure that knowledge, ownership and support are anchored in your organization.
How we can support you:
Innovation opportunities scan
Proposition development
Validation - pilot design and execution
Building a business model and business case
Action plan / implementation roadmap
Business innovation
Developing a sustainable ambition with objectives is a great first step. But how do you actually achieve this as a government, industry or sector?
We offer tools to achieve impact objectives and realize iconic projects and chains.
Waar wij bij helpen:
Chain director (ketenregissuer)
Develop & build new value chain
Program lead
Innovative value chains
Ready to launch something together?
Send us an email
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Or visit us
+31 6 33424350
Catharijnesingel 52, Utrecht